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Silver Springs Page 14
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Page 14
Ox grinned to himself. He might not distinguish between them physically, but he sure could if he spent any time in their company. Alexis was bound to say something silly eventually, and Angel could keep her cynicism to herself for only so long.
As he undressed and crawled into bed, Ox found his mood had lightened considerably. He was really looking forward to seeing the twins together.
The dream started shortly before dawn. Angel was in his arms, her kisses wildly passionate, her body molding to his in matchless symmetry. There was no slap this time, only her hands touching him, giving pleasure instead of pain. Her fingers traced the side of his face in a loving caress, then dropped to the row of buttons that ran down his chest. With slow deliberation, she undid them, one by one, the ordinary task becoming erotic torture in her capable hands.
Suddenly, the woman in his embrace changed. Her hair softened from an elaborate coiffure piled high on her head into a respectable chignon that tumbled down around her as he pulled the pins out one by one: Alexis.
Burying his hands in the fiery waves cascading down her back, he feathered light kisses across her cheek, then explored the delicate shell of her ear with his tongue.
With a soft moan of pleasure, Alexis laid her palms flat against his naked chest and started the sensual journey up to his shoulders. Kissing the hollow of his throat, she eased the fabric of his shirt across their broad expanse and sighed as it slid down his arms.
Ox shed the unwanted garment quickly, but it was Angel that came back into his embrace. Her lips found his, and she pulled his head down in a drugging kiss. Her caresses inflamed him as he removed her clothing, piece by piece.
Sometimes it was Angel and sometimes Alexis. Even in his dream state, he knew it should bother him they kept changing, but Ox didn’t care as he gave himself over to pure erotic sensation. Before long, they were switching back and forth so rapidly, he couldn’t keep track. Suddenly, Angel and Alexis were both before him, their bodies glowing with a strange golden light. As he watched in wonder, the two fused into a single beautiful woman who gazed at him with a soft smile on her lips. She moved forward into his arms, and he was lost in the warm sensuality of her kiss.
Ox awoke, breathing as hard as if he’d run a race, with his heart pounding in his chest. His arousal was heavy and uncomfortable, but it didn’t matter. Still locked in a confusing cloud somewhere between sleep and consciousness, he was filled with glorious shining joy.
As reality slowly returned, his happiness faded into dismay. He rose from his bed and walked to the window. He’d once heard dreams were messages from a secret part of the mind. The meaning of this one was certainly clear. It was odd he hadn’t realized the truth before. Ox leaned against the cool glass and closed his eyes. Angel and Alexis—Alexis and Angel. Lord, what a tangle. He was in love with both of them.
“Morning, Mrs. Smythe.” Sam looked over Angel’s shoulder. “Where’s Ox?”
“I have no idea. My sister said I was to meet both of you here.”
“That’s strange, I thought...well, I reckon Ox will be here soon enough.”
“I assume so. May I come in?”
“Don’t know why not.”
Angel sailed into the room. “According to Angel, we need to find Jessie some sort of a job.” She frowned down at the seat of the chair, then dusted it off with her hand before sitting down. “Any ideas?” she asked, pulling off her gloves.
“I don’t know what goes on in Cheyenne.”
“There aren’t a whole lot of respectable jobs for women, if that’s what you mean. Her youth isn’t in her favor either. You must have had something in mind.”
“At first, I kinda thought she could be a teacher, since she spent so much time in school.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “She ain’t exactly the teacher type. Besides, it sounds like there wasn’t much learning in that school of hers that was very useful.”
“It was most likely a finishing school.” Angel sighed. “She can probably serve tea and sew a nice sampler.”
“I reckon there’s something she could do. She’s such a sweet little thing.”
“Unfortunately, sweet isn’t very useful.” Angel pursed her lips. “Unless, of course, to find her a husband.”
Angel raised her brows in surprise. “No?”
“I just mean there must be another solution.”
“Maybe, but marriage is an option all the same.”
“Since when are you so all fired set on marriage?” Sam asked with a frown. “Seems to me you’re the one who’s always goin’ on and on about women havin’ other choices now.”
“I’m afraid you’re confusing me with my sister, Mr. Collins,” Angel said, flicking an imaginary speck off her sleeve. “I happen to think most women were meant to be wives. There are a few, like Angel, who think otherwise, but they are the exception, rather than the rule.”
Sam snorted. “Your sister, is it? Look, Angel, whatever your game is, you can trust me to keep your secret, but I’ll be damned if I’ll sacrifice Jessie’s happiness for it.”
“You’re wrong—”
“The hell I am. There may be an Alexis Smythe somewhere, but you ain’t her.”
Angel stared at the determined set of his jaw for a moment, then sighed in defeat. “How did you know?”
“I suspected right from the start. When I woke up after the stage accident, you had tears in your eyes. Pretty hard to believe a stranger would do that.”
Angel smiled. “You don’t know Alexis. Oh yes,” she said when she saw his skeptical look. “I do have a twin, and we look enough alike; I’ve managed to fool everybody except my younger brother and sister, who knew right away because I didn’t react to their shenanigans the way Alexis would. So, what gave me away?”
“Your feet.”
“My feet!” As Angel glanced down she remembered Sam’s interest in them the night before. “What about them?”
“You wore the same shoes,” he said. “Kind of odd, considering how different everything else was.”
Angel laughed. “I never even thought about my shoes. Do you think Ox suspects?”
“Nope. He was plumb excited when he saw you last night. Pretty obvious he thought it was the first time since you left South Pass City.”
“But you figured it out.”
“Could be I know you better.” Sam crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “You forget, I watched you change from a still-wet-behind-the-ears nineteen-year-old widow into the independent woman who ran first the Lucky Lady and then The Green Garter with an iron hand. I’ve always known the face you present to the world was an act. Besides, you’re not afraid of me getting too close.”
“I should have known,” she said ignoring his last remark.
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
“It’s a long story.”
“I ain’t going anywhere.”
“No, I suppose not.” It was surprisingly difficult to tell Sam the rest of the story. First, she had to explain her life as Angelica Brady and how she’d wound up leaving it all behind. He said nothing, just nodded occasionally and looked thoughtful.
“Always wondered where you came from before you married Edgington,” he said when she finished. “You sure you made the right choice stayin’ here and riskin’ everything for your sister and Ox?”
“I’m not doing it just for Ox and Alexis. I’m doing it for me, too. Don’t you see? I’ll be free of my father’s control once and for all.”
“Seems to me like you’ve been out of his control for a long time. The only way he’s going to get any of that back is if you lose your money. Isn’t your freedom a lot to risk for revenge?”
Angel stared at him in dismay. Had she gambled everything she had for revenge? She was still pondering the extraordinary idea when the sound of Ox’s arrival came in through the open window. Unconsciously bracing herself, she looked toward th
e door.
“Morning,” Sam said pleasantly.
“Good morning.” Ox took off his hat and hung it on the peg. “I thought I was going to pick you up at home, Alexis.”
“Angel just said I was supposed to meet you both here.”
He glanced around the room. “Where is she?”
“She left early this morning.”
“Did she say anything?” he asked with a touch of wistfulness.
“Just good-bye.” Angel narrowed her eyes. “What happened between you two last night, anyway? She said you insulted her.”
Ox shifted uncomfortably. “It was a misunderstanding.”
“A misunderstanding?” Angel’s voice rose. “She came home madder than a wet hornet.”
“I tried to explain, but she wouldn’t listen.”
“Then you must have done something—”
“If Miss Angel left in a snit, don’t reckon the two of you can do much to change that now,” Sam said with amusement. “We might as well get down to business.”
Ox sighed. “I’m just disappointed, that’s all. I was looking forward to seeing Angel and Alexis together.”
Sam grinned. “I reckon that would be a sight to behold at that.”
“Maybe next time,” Angel murmured.
“Sam’s right,” Ox said, pulling a chair up to the table. “We need to get started. Let’s see how soon we can get The Silver Springs Express on the road.”
As the three of them worked out the details together, Angel slowly began to realize it wasn’t revenge that prompted her to risk everything she had. It was the challenge of putting a business together, figuring out the pitfalls and making it all work. There was nothing more invigorating.
After nearly an hour, she glanced up and found Ox’s gaze on her. There was speculation there and something else, something that made her feel warm and feminine and oddly shy. It was fully as exhilarating as the problem they were working on, and it scared her to death.
Chapter 15
“How was your first day of work, Jessie?” Angel asked as Jessie joined them for tea.
“Fine. Mrs. Warren is very nice.” Her brow wrinkled slightly. “Though I’m not always exactly sure what she wants me to do.”
Vanessa nodded. “It’s that accent. I have trouble understanding it myself. She’s from that heathenish place down South, you know.”
“Texas is probably more civilized than Wyoming Territory,” Angel reminded her with amusement.
“That doesn’t say much,” Vanessa observed. “It would be nearly impossible to find a less civilized place than this!”
“Do you think you’re going to like making dresses, Jessie?” Jared asked doubtfully.
“Of course, she will,” Shannon said, flopping down on the overstuffed chair next to Jessie. “Just think how much fun it would be to design a dress.”
“I don’t do any of the designing,” Jessie told her. “I’m just a seamstress. Mrs. Warren tells me what to sew. I think I’ll like it once I understand it better.”
Angel frowned. What was there to understand? All she had to do was sew the straight seams. Mrs. Warren did all the fancy work herself. “I’m sure you’ll feel more confident soon.”
“Oh, yes, I’m sure I shall.” Jessie smiled warmly. “I don’t know how to thank you, Mrs. Smythe. You’ve been more than kind.”
“Nonsense,” Angel said briskly. “Anyone would have done as much.” She felt a sting of guilt as she said the words. Kind? With Molly’s ‘freedom’ money, Jessie shouldn’t have had to work at all, at least not for a while. For at least the dozenth time, Angel reminded herself the money wouldn’t last forever, and Jessie would eventually need a trade of some sort to survive. By the time Angel was able to pay her off, Jessie would have an occupation.
Vanessa gestured toward the tea tray. “Jessie, dear, would you mind pouring?”
Angel smiled to herself. In the meantime, Vanessa had finally found someone who gave her teatime the proper respect. As she watched her protégé, Angel couldn’t help thinking how well the finishing school had done its job. Jessie was the epitome of what every elegant lady should be: graceful, polite, and beautiful, an exquisite ornament to add to some man’s consequence. Angel felt a flicker of irritation. What had Molly been thinking? Jessie was far more likely to wind up as some man’s mistress than his wife.
“Good afternoon, ladies. Just in time for tea, I see.”
Angel winced as her father and Ox entered the room. Richard Brady was just about the last person she wanted to see today.
“Well, Alexis,” he said jovially, “you certainly pulled the wool over our eyes.”
“I-I did?” Angel’s stomach twisted in a knot as her father stood there, smiling benevolently. Surely, he wouldn’t be so smug if he knew...would he?
“Your father was surprised by our news,” Ox said, crossing the room to drop a kiss on her cheek. “Follow my lead,” he whispered in her ear.
“What news is that?” Vanessa asked with avid curiosity.
Angel searched Ox’s face, looking for a clue. What the heck was he up to?
Ox smiled as he took her hand and pulled her up to stand beside him. “What do you say, Alexis, shall we make our announcement here and now?” He squeezed her hand.
“We may as well,” Angel said uncertainly. “Why don’t you do the honors?”
“My pleasure.” He lifted their clasped hands and kissed her fingers before he spoke. “Alexis has done me the great honor of agreeing to become my wife.”
Vanessa clapped her hands together in delight. “Oh, Alexis, how wonderful! Why didn’t you tell me? Gracious me, there’s so much to do. I hardly know where to begin. Good heavens, what am I thinking? I don’t even know when you’re going to have the wedding.”
“Uh...we really haven’t talked about it yet.” Angel glanced up at Ox. “Have we, dear?”
“Only that we’re going to wait until your year of mourning is over.”
Richard waved his hand. “No need for that. Duncan’s been dead more than six months.”
“He deserves the full year,” Angel said. “And I intend to give it to him.”
Richard’s face darkened. “Alexis—” he began.
“I agree with her,” Ox put in. “Alexis and I have a lifetime together. There’s no sense in causing gossip by getting married too soon.”
After a tense moment, Richard’s glower relaxed into an indulgent smile. “You may change your mind before everything is said and done.”
“Congratulations,” Jessie said in her melodious voice. “I hope you’ll both be very happy.”
“Thank you, Jessie.” For a moment, as Angel stood next to Ox, her fingers entwined with his, it all seemed gloriously real. And suddenly, she wanted it to be. To share everything with the man she loved, have his children, build a future with him. Surely, life could be no sweeter.
She glanced up at Ox, and reality returned. He was playing a part, just as she was. They were friends, certainly, and last week’s fiasco proved she inspired lust in him, but that was all. Ox didn’t love her. A hard knot formed in her throat as he looked down at her and smiled.
Angel swallowed against the lump as she and Ox sat down together. What in the world was the matter with her? She’d spent her entire adult life fighting male domination. The last thing she needed was a husband, even one with beautiful green eyes and a smile that made her feel soft and womanly. The whole idea was ridiculous. And dangerous, she reminded herself. The thought that Ox wouldn’t be like Terence flickered through her mind, but she pushed it away. It seemed unlikely, but she couldn’t be sure. Men changed. Who knew what he’d be like once he had control? Far too much was at stake to let silly female yearnings get in the way.
Another hand squeeze from Ox pulled Angel away from her internal musings.
“Tell me more about this new stage-line that’s opening between here and Silver Springs Gulch, Richard,” he said. “Are they going to give us any competition?”
p; Richard shook his head. “I doubt it. From what I understand, they only have two coaches and a handful of horses.”
“How do you know that?”
“I dropped by the station here in town.” Richard accepted a cup of tea from Jessie with a smile. “The station master was glad to talk to me, though he didn’t know much. Apparently, the operation headquarters is in Silver Springs Gulch.”
“That’s odd. Why would they run the operation from there when Cheyenne is on the railroad? It seems kind of backwards to me,” Ox reached for a teacake. He glanced at Shannon and Jared sitting side-by-side with identical expressions of innocence and dropped his hand. “Maybe someone should make a trip north.”
“Good idea.” Sipping his tea, Richard eyed Ox and Angel over the rim of his cup. “You and Alexis can leave on the morning stage.”
Angel sat up in astonishment. “What?”
“I thought as owner, you’d like to check into it yourself, Richard,” Ox said.
“No one will suspect the two of you. Alexis will be a perfect cover. What man bent on spying would be stupid enough to take a woman along?”
Angel gritted her teeth. One of these days she was going to shove that male superiority of his right back down his throat.
Vanessa frowned. “Richard, you can’t have thought this through. Won’t they have to spend the night in Silver Springs Gulch?”
“Probably, why?”
“What will people say?”
“Nobody’s going to know. Besides,” he said with a sly glance at Ox and Angel, “they’re officially betrothed now. We can trust Jamie to take good care of our little girl.”
Compromise her, you mean, Angel thought angrily. It didn’t take a genius to follow her father’s thinking. He figured she and Ox would wind up in bed together, if they hadn’t already. If an unplanned pregnancy didn’t force them to move the wedding date up, he probably figured pure lust would. Even when he thought he’d won, Richard Brady wanted to make sure he had total control. Angel had to bite her tongue to keep from voicing her irritation.
By eight o’clock the next morning, Angel had decided not to waste any more time being angry at her father and just enjoy the opportunity to be with Ox.